Saturday, July 30, 2016

More Assorted Dublin Pictures

Thanks to Tom, Francesca, Anson, and Stephen for these:

Our wonderful tour organist Tom Fitches hidden up at the organ:
Fr. Peter trying out the organ too:
Morning kids rehearsal:

 Cliffs of Moher:

 Sunday morning church bells at St. Patricks!

 The stuffed tour mascot, won at the arcade a few days ago:

We took the young tenors to the grocery store and had them make dinner for their chaperone. We decided on frozen pot pies, soup, and salad.
 They had to make sure it was cooked in the middle:

 And they even set the table:

Friday During Rehearsal

A huge thanks to our official CBC Grace Church Tour correspondent Fred Parker for these photos:

 Tom at the organ way up above the singers:

 Someone knows that her picture is getting taken: